Monday, June 15, 2009

Any Recommendations?

Sorry about the lame non-posting lately. Kirk and I are currently in CA on vacation for a few weeks! Unfortunately the weather has been pretty lame due to the june-gloom. I am looking for a good book to read while I am down here but get so overwhelmed when I go into a book store that I can never choose, does anyone have any recommendations? I would really appreciate any :)


McKenzie said...

I totally LOVED Three cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. Amazing. I've learned more about the middle east from this book then all the years I've watched & read news pieces.

A girl named Zippy. Light hearted & funny.

We're totally bummed we're not coming to Cali this summer. The kids keep asking us when we're going to visit Tinkerbell. Hope you guys are haven' fun.

Jessie and Taylor Miller said...

Eat, Pray, Love.
Great read...
Then it will inspire you to take a little jaunt to Italy with you fat head bestie.

crystalyn and rob said...

the alchemist - quick easy, inspriing.

miss you guys! xoxo