Meet Dr. Craig L. Manning. He is a great tennis coach, father to 4 adorable kids... and husband to a awesome wife McKenzie.. and an awesome sports psychologist. I have known Craig for 7 years now and can tell you that I have learned more things from him than anyone else (besides my parents maybe). He recently published his first book called the Fearless Mind where he shares his valuable insight on life and sports. I have always been a big believer that sports directly relates and correlates to life and Craig is awesome at addressing issues that relate to everyday life. His book is on amazon, in borders, costco and a lot of other places. I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone regardless if you are a athlete or just someone who wants to improve their life such as overcoming self-doubt or gaining greater confidence. Craig also has a website, where he consults with people and you can also buy a segment of his program on itunes. He has worked with several athletes including many olympic medal winners from the recent games. Craig is awesome and so is his book!
ps. I took his picture for his book too :)